Video Script: Feel the Difference—An Introduction to the FreeForm Modeling System


The FreeForm Modeling system is a powerful new way to create 3-D models.

It offers modelers, sculptors, and designers what no other application does: the ability to use their sense of touch to digitally create complex organic forms which, until now, could only be made by hand.

The FreeForm system is based on touch, the only one of your senses that is interactive.

The direct nature of touch allows you to literally interact with the design on a computer as you would work with a model in the real world.

This ability to touch, feel, and interact sets the FreeForm Modeling System apart from any other modeling tool in the digital world.

The device you use to interact with the FreeForm application—the way you break the barriers and reach into the digital world—is a revolutionary interface called the PHANTOM Desktop.

Just pick up the stylus and work with it the same way you would work in your studio.

You can literally feel material yield as you cut, smooth, and blend features into the exact form you’ve envisioned -- with ease, intent, and control that’s simply impossible without touch.

This fine, continuous control you have over the material… this working with your hands in a natural and intuitive way… allows you to transfer your existing modeling skills directly to a digital tool… without spending months learning computer modeling procedures -- those unwieldy and unnatural abstractions you quickly forget if you don’t use them constantly.

Instead FreeFrom modeling tosses aside mind-numbing complexity and replaces it with a system so evolved, it’s simple.

In fact it’s so simple you can become productive within a few hours of first picking up the stylus.

The FreeForm System is a totally new tool for sculptors, modelers, and designers. It helps you capture in a digital format your design intent -- not the design that some computer will allow you.

Controlling the sculpting, wire cutting and similar tools through touch gives you an unprecedented connection to your models.

Your style… your fingerprint… what makes a design uniquely yours... that is what FreeForm Modeling captures.

Unlike other design systems, the FreeForm System actually encourages iteration and exploration. You can create new shapes that have never been described digitally before, capturing that extra ten percent that separates a good design from a great one.

Companies using FreeForm right now have completely transformed the way they develop products.

They are able to take the digital forms they produce and use them in downstream processes such as rapid prototyping, which not only satisfies the traditional requirements of a physical model, but allows companies to make tooling and machining decisions much earlier in the design process.

When you’re done designing with the FreeForm modeling system, what you‘ve produced is a digital asset that can be iterated, changed, adjusted in a thousand ways, e-mailed across the world or sent downstream to a CAD package.

What you’ve got is a digital asset that you’ve created, paradoxically enough, with that most fundamental way of interacting with the world – your sense of touch.

FreeForm Modeling System: Touch-based modeling for better design.