User Guides

Rethink Robotics: Intera 5

Rethink Robotics created the revolutionary collaborative robot Sawyer (and before that, Baxter). Intera is the software platform used to train and run Sawyer. Its highly graphical user interface is designed so that you don’t need to be an engineer to use it.

This guide helps users learn the robot’s hardware and gets them started using the software to train the robot to perform tasks.

3M ESPE Lava Chairside Oral Scanner

The 3M ESPE Lava Chairside Oral Scanner captures high-accuracy digital scans of teeth. Data from these scans are used in manufacturing oral prostheses such as crowns, inlays, and onlays.

This user guide is designed for dentists and their support personnel.

SensAble Technologies: FreeForm User Guide

From the guide: “You've probably never experienced anything quite like this before. Whether you are an old hand with computers or a relative novice, you will find that FreeForm modeling, based on SensAble's 3D Touch™ technology, is a unique experience.”

Here are select chapters from the printed guide.